Friday, September 25, 2015

Willing Hands and a Happy Heart

Wow. Remember when I said I was going to be writing at least once a week? That was before I started working 40 hours a week. Sorry, friends. I'll be back at that soon. In the meantime, I'll give you one big post of what's been going on as of late.

August 12, 2015 marked the beginning of my new journey at Side By Side Ministries. As of today, it is day 45. How have I been here 45 days already? Good golly. 

I'm going to be honest with you, it has been the most challenging 45 days of my life. Forty-five challenging, tiring, emotional, and INCREDIBLE days. 

I don't even know where to start. SO much has happened in my heart and I'm so in awe of The One who is orchestrating my life song. Normally, I would work really hard at laying it all out for you beautifully and eloquently. But today, my mind can't quite handle that. So please, enjoy the following list of things that have been happening and thoughts I've been having. (Sorry, I just really like lists.)


1.) I was taken to a new doctor in Omaha. Dr. Lozier is a Functional Medicine Doctor. Here is a little bit about what he does, (this is an excerpt taken from the Lozier Natural Health Center website):

'Dr. Lozier is a Chiropractic Physician, Internal Health Specialist, and Certified Acupuncturist with specialized training in Nutrition, Herbology, Homeopathy, Functional Medicine, Endocrinology, and Sports Rehabilitation.'  

I have been to so many doctors and heard so many different answers. I had begun to learn how to manage my symptoms and just live with pain because all of my other doctors ended up saying the same thing; 'We don't know how to treat you.' 'You're a 19 year old with the body of an 80 year old.' 'You're a walking science experiment.' I had told this to my mentor, in which she responded, "You shouldn't have to live that way." Those words lead to me walking through the doors at Dr. Lozier's office. I left that day in tears. Not sad tears, no. They were tears of relief. 

Dr. Lozier sat me down, looked at my paperwork and said, "Whoa", which didn't surprise me. He then looked me in the eyes and said, "Basically Gracia, your body is toxic. A complete toxic dump, if I'm being honest. There is not one single system in your body working correctly. Truthfully, your body is really broken. When people come here, I usually say it's going to take about a year to get their health back to where it needs to be. You, though; you're going to take probably around 2 years. You're really sick, Gracia. But, we are going to reverse it. There is hope for you."

It's been a really tough journey so far. I'm going through a detox stage and my body really hurts. We are not looking at the big picture right now, but instead we are celebrating small victories. I am noticing changes in my body. Though they be small, I see them. I feel them. The Lord is guiding me and healing me oh, so sweetly and oh, so tenderly. It's really, really beautiful.

2.) I hired a personal trainer. Oh my goodness, guys. Did anyone every think that would actually happen? Wait, what? Is that a no I'm hearing? Well, HAHA NEITHER DID I. 

I had gone in to sign up for my gym membership, and they told me I'd get a free consultation with a trainer and they would find out how out of shape I am and yada yada yada. After that, I could decide if I wanted a trainer or not. Well, I had gone in one day after work to work out on my own, and I was stopped by the guy who does the consultations. He asked to do the consultation then, instead of a few days later, when we had originally scheduled it. Not really knowing what a consultation entailed, I agreed and we began taking my measurements, my weight, and so on. Little did I know, this also included an OH SO LOVELY workout. By 'oh so lovely', I mean that at one point I was laying face-first on the floor of the gym crying. I was planning on walking out of the gym and NOT signing up, but I really felt God pushing me to do it. Reluctantly, I sat in the office for another 30 minutes after doing what felt like 30 BAJILLION push ups (not actually that much), and signed up for a trainer. I came home that night, called my best friend, and I believe this is how our conversation went:

Grace: "Hello?"
Grace: *laughs hysterically*

Well, all initial emotions aside, just know that training has been so, so great. I love my trainer, she's knowledgeable about what I can and can't do physically due to years of being sick, and she pushes me just enough. I'm really excited to get my strength back.

3.) Part of working at the ministry means working at Habituè. If any of you know me, you know that I have refused to work in any kind of food service for a many different reasons; including, but definitely not limited to, my clumsiness,  being on my feet, not really being a 'people person', and a hatred for doing dishes.  

I am convinced that God has quite a sense of humor, because guess what? I work full time at a coffee shop and bakery. I interact with customers constantly on a daily basis, I'm on my feet ALL THE TIME, I do some sort of dishes every day, and I'm doing all of the things I have always said I would never do. 
Guess what's even more surprising? I love it

I asked the Lord to give me a verse to fuel me and give me direction in this new season, and this is what I was given: She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands. [Proverbs 31:13]  Willing hands.. Do you think that maybe, just maybe, God is trying to tell me something? HA!

This job challenges me in a way I never thought was possible, and through it, I have seen and experienced the Fruits of the Spirit in way I didn't think was possible. I have seen the love that this business puts into every single thing they do. I have experienced the joy that fuels every single person working there. I have felt the peace that comes with walking into those doors every day. My, oh my, I have seen kindness and goodness absolutely overflowing out of everyone that is a part of this ministry. I have experienced gentleness and patience in not only my co-workers, but our customers; tenderly pushing me to learn new things, allowing me to mess up, and still giving me grace. Lastly, I have come to know self-control in everything that is said or done.


Friends, I'm learning and experiencing more that I could have ever imagine, and doing things I've always said I would never do. The Lord is speaking to me and opening my ears constantly, and it has been absolutely beautiful. 

Thank you so much to everyone who has and continues to support me in this crazy transition. And I promise, once I figure out how to 'adult' and manage my time better, I will be writing more often. 

Until next time~

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